Pool Maintenance 101
Maintaining a pool doesn’t have to be difficult - with these handy hints & tips, you can enjoy your pool year round!
The key is regular & routine care. Even if you have a pool cleaner routinely cleaning the pool, there are still a few things you can do on your own to ensure your pool says ion good condition year round.
Manually Vacuum the pool
We recommend scooping out the larger debris and manually vacuuming your pool using the handover kit provided once a week. This can help reduce staining and chemical use due to quick removal of lead and other biological matter.
Similarly, regular brushing of the walls help minimise algae build up and calcium deposits so they don’t fester and become larger problems.
Whilst completing this step, we recommend cleaning out skimmer & pump baskets at the same time which can also help with circulation. Spraying with a hose can help dislodge and stubborn objects.
Water Testing & Water Level
Pool water should be tested regularly to make sure it’s clean & health. Chlorine and pH are the two main levels you’re looking for in a standard salt water chlorinated pool, following by alkalinity, hardness & stabilizer which all go hand in hand. If you have a freshwater pool, the main ones you need to look for are pH, alkalinity, hardness and copper. Your handover pack or About My Pool document will have the details of ideal range for each of these levels to ensure safety for swimmers and helps your sanitizer work at top efficiency.
You can monitor your pools levels with a pool water test kit which should have been provided to you at handover.
Whilst checking the pool’s chemistry, it is also recommended to check the overall water level. A lot of water can be lost throughout the swimming season largely because of evaporation and normal wear & tear such as swimming, splashing and exiting the pool.
Ensure the water level does’t fall below the level of the skimmer, otherwise the pump could be damaged. If the water is low, use a hose to bring it up to optimum water level.
Use your pool blanket when the pool isn’t in use
Pool blankets are a great way to reduce water & chemical evaporation in your pool and to keep debris out. Sunlight naturally evaporates chlorine from your pool water, so feel free to switch your chlorinator down a notch.
Maintain your pool equipment
There are different maintenance procedures for different types of filters & pumps so be sure to familiarize yourself with the product brochures to ensure optimum performance. Generally all equipment only requires periodic cleaning depending on how often the pool is used but it’s important to check regularly to identify any issues early on to avoid further damage. A sign that it’s time to clean the filter is an increase in pressure on the pressure gauge.
A malfunctioning pump can also undermine the water flow, making the pump less productive and making your pool unsanitary. Regularly checking the pump’s functionality will keep your pool in tip top shape.
We hope you have found these maintenance tips helpful in keeping your pool in top condition all year round. We are here to help with any pool maintenance queries you may have so be sure to drop into store of contact us and we’ll get back to you ASAP.